Took this yesterday lunch time to show Tweeds breeder, upside down on the settee, little did we know she was hours away from the whelping, as vet and I were not expecting them until Thursday/Friday...............
Satchmo went home and then Tweed wrecked the whelping box and looked most peeved at me, again taken to show her breeder, but thought you all would like to see this
Tweed finally getting ready to start whelping after re doing whelping box
Tweed having a snooze after first 2 hads arrived
Tweed sleeping after having the first 4, hence the wet paper, photos of them all to follow when I have had a nights sleep.
I came through the room to make sure Balian was ok and found him sleeping on the top of the sofa, he's been watching Satchmo no doubt, as this is his trick.
Proper photos up tomorrow, and people will be contacted who are on the list, but anybody interested please contact me by phone or email, details on my site