Monday May 26th This was taken am today as I went in to clean out box as you can see mum and babies now fine and relaxed. Think the pups will think they are related to Yeats, as Tweed allows him in to sniff the pups when she is in there. Excuse the marks on vet bed etc thought it was worth taking the photo anyway...........
Monday 25th May Finished staining the fence, most of it done sitting on a chair as knee and ankle too painful otherwise, father managed to lay 2 slabs as I am not a lot of help.
Sunday 24th May A NIGHTS SLEEP.................. peaceful Tweed and household, after mentioning all this to Tweeds breeder she reminded me Tweeds gran did not like the door to the whelping room closed, so against all odds, left door open and now she comes and goes as she pleases, milk now in big time and everybody happy.
Ali kindly brought Yeats back lunch time after his weekend away and did wonder what Tweed would do with him going in the puppy room, she set the ground rules, you come in when I am in there but not when I am not, all it took was her chasing him out once now no bother and everybody relaxed.
Saturday 23rd May Congratulations to Ali and Nessie at Bath as placed in 2 big classes and well done Hannah and Yeats as they were also placed. (Photos will be up when Ali sends me them)

Pups now 5 days, beginning to go back to a bit of normal life........... This is Saturday late on and finally cracked the situation with Tweed, after no sleep and out staining the fence at 5am to get some peace, with Balian asleep on the garden too, gave in and went back to vets who couldn't find anything wrong with Tweed, another lot of medication and me in a foul mood cause of no sleep, came home and did everything on auto pilot .
Friday 22sd May. Still very tired but Tweed had a good night. Think medication helped. Ali came to pick up Yeats to go and be groomed ready for BATH champ show on Saturday as she was taking him and Hannah to the show, he was staying out as groomed in Nottingham and Ali lives in Essex......... Alan and Ed came and put up my new fencing and the paving slabs were delivered. Thanks to those 2 garden is beginning to take shape.
Thursday 21st May In vets by 8.30am not feeling good and bothered what was wrong, they found nothing but gave her medication to help her milk come in after a very comprehensive check up. When finally went on here late evening found the photo below send to me from Jenny...........................................

with email saying thanks for letting them have Tarot earlier in the year as he had helped Cash and them through May 15th a year since they lost their beloved Visa and hoped the photo of Cash and Tarot singing to Pete helped me through today as it was 2 years ago I had to let Freya go, and she knew I was dreading the day and may needed cheering up, what she did not know was what was happening this end............ yes it worked and pleased he has helped you 3.

Wednesday 20th May As you can see mum and babies relaxed, that same day Tweed decided she wasn't staying in whelping room with pups as her milk had not come in and was distressed and couldn't feed the babies, so I hand fed overnight to see if milk would come in, by 7am it hadn't so off to the vets we drove.
Tuesday 19th May Pretty uneventful, tried to catch up on sleep and jobs as you do.........