Sunday, 25 December 2011


from all at

Thanks to all for the cards, emails etc received this year.
Thanks to Higgins owners in Australia for allowing me to use this photo.
This is his first Christmas over there and looks really chilled.
Yes folks he is a Large Munsterlander and yes he is fawn & white.

Have a lovely festive time one and all

Friday, 18 November 2011

Mintee has landed

This is Mintee, am proud to indroduce you to her, sat here at Tina's
Mintee still has a sister and a brother looking for a home if you can help please contact Tina on 01674 840932
or email on
They are at home due to propective new owners having to say no due to a change of circumstances
They will make ideal working, show or active pets

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Sona 28 8 2005 to 08 11 2011

28 08 2005 - 08 11 2011

Yesterday I lost my beloved Sona
Run free with your ancestors

Flikka misses her second in command
The house is so empty without you

Thank you Gael for this one in a million daughter
Thank you Tina for letting her come and live here

Thank you to everybody who has commented by email, phone and facebook,
your support and kind words are helping

Monday, 3 October 2011

Wynter's results for September 2011

Wynter is licking his lips and saying "thanks" to all his new friends both human and canine he has met since he started showing, special licks & hugs must go to
Helen & Harry, Carol & Jasper, Katie & Dougie, and
Julie, Trev & the girls
He has hung up his "show lead" for his "trainee working lead".
He will make the odd appearance but he's passed over the showlead to Sonic, his Black & Tan buddy.

Birmingham Champ Show
Judge Mrs Patsy Hollings
First puppy & junior dog

Richmond Champ Show
Judge Mr F Whyte
First Puppy & Junior dog

Darlington Champ Show
Judge Sharon Pinkerton
First Puppy & Second Junior dog

Driffield Champ Show
Judge Mr C MacKay
Second puppy & First Junior dog

Thanks to all
Especially Jo for breeding my special boy

Friday, 30 September 2011

Wynters sister today at Driffield

This is Hattie,
Munopoly Starlight Express
Driffield Champ Show

Well done from big brother Wynter & me
Your mum must be proud of you

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Onyx is a mum

This is Onyx and her lovely brood
anybody wanting a puppy please contact
Tina, their breeder,
01674 840932
(leave message as may be busy with dogs)
or email her at

Lukka & Onyx have between them produced
CC, Rcc, Irish Junior Champion & BP winning stock

Monday, 29 August 2011

Wynters August in the show ring

photo taken at home while pacticing

FIRST in Puppy, Junior & Novice Dog
Nat Gundog
Judge Mrs G Simpson

FIRST in Puppy & Junior Dog
Judge Mrs J Darby

FIRST in Puppy, Junior & Open
Leciester City Open Show
Judge Mr M Gavin

Thanks judges. a quiet month as the two young Gordons came out too

Rhum, Dunfionn Pirnmill qualified for Crufts 2012 at Nat Gun
Thanks Karen Marsh

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Sonic's first show

At aged 6 months one day
Celtaur Dyrnwyn
North Riding Gundog
BP and BOB
Carol Smith

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Wynters July in the show ring

Wynter on the move
photo Jo banks

FIRST puppy dog & junior dog
Windsor Champ Show
Dr Ron James
FIRST puppy dog & junior dog
East of England Champ Show
Julie Dowden
Dukeries Open Show
FIRST Post Grad
W J Ashcroft
Leeds Champ Show
FIRST puppy dog & SECOND junior dog
John Thirlwell
East Midlands Open show
FIRST junior & graduate
Mr Jeff Allen
East of England Ladies Open show
FIRST junior & SECOND post grad
Ray McDonald
Thanks to all the judges

Sunday, 26 June 2011

SONIC @ 4 months

Hello mum are you ready to catch me??
(yes he does jump into my arms)

Oh well I will stand then
I do get a cuddle as a reward, and don't I look handsome...
I can also sit and stay and pose
Well I am the clever one

Again thanks to Pete for the photos

Mr Mars bar @ 4 months old

If I sing will Jenny take me home???
& look at my Pluto ears.....
If I sit and look the other way mum will ignore me

If I close my eyes and sing you will let me go and play........

This is mars bar down to the ground, is a clown, he trips over his ears, and if ever a puppy should have been called Pluto he should have.

Thanks Pete for the photos again

Rhums introduction to the show world

(British Gordon Setter Open Show)
expertly handled by Lorraine Thorley

(Newmarket & District Open Show)

Thanks to the judges for the above awards
will be lightly campaigned this year
thanks to Rhona for this lively girl

Wynters first month in the show ring

Wynter on the move
photo by Jo Banks

his acheivements @ the few shows he has attended

(Newark & Notts Open Show)
(Newmarket & District Open Show)
(Birmingham Champ Show)
(Large Munsterlander Champ Show)
(Blackpool Champ Show)

Thanks to all judges for these awards
Thanks to Jo his breeder for letting me have one of Annies precious pups

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Sonic & Mars great great grannie

Celtaur Bandruich of Clemansall
this is Sonic and Mars great, great grannie,
Sandy her owner lost her on 10 6 2011
aged 14 years 3 months and 5 days.
My thoughts are with you Sandy
Hope that the 4th generation on do her proud

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Sad News

Sacha - Ichbin Cherokee
in Australia

Received the really sad news today that the Clarke family now living in Australia had to have Sacha ICHBIN CHEROKEE put to sleep on the 16th April 2011.
He had been treated for late stage lymphona and although responded to the treatment it was a short restpite, at one stage his owners took to sleeping downstairs with him with a hand in his mouth to allow him to breathe while asleep.
Sacha is much missed by all the family and their other dog.

My thoughts are with you all and "thank you" for giving him such a loving home both here and abroad.
The photos of him are stunning

Sunday, 22 May 2011


Ian Kobi's owner is in training to do one of these really long walks next year, so he put in some training earlier this year, him and Kobi, dog really enjoyed himself, seen above having a rest and checking his route map.
Good luck

Nessie doing agility

Above and below shows Nessie practicing her agility, she is also lightly shown and is part of her owners local demonstration team and now goes to events where she can be seen doing her bit, last time she was required to take washing of a clothes line, she chose a bright red pair of undies, to put in the wash basket.
She is auntie to Sonic and Mars

Daisy in her new home

This Daisy making herself at home,
she is one of Sona's 2 pups from her second litter,
and Daisy is Gunster.
She is as you can see by the photos below a very much loved part of the family, and her new best mate is Max.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Gone but never forgotten

This is Freya in her native Sweden before she made it over here, she was known here as Freya at Ichbin, she has been gone 4 years today, 21 May, time has flown by, but the loss is still very hard to come to terms with.
Some touch your life a lot, and this she did,
and all who knew her.
Run free

Wednesday, 18 May 2011


Hello there, I am Sonic, I came down from Scotland, and now live with my Granny Sona and my Dad Yeats and the rest of the crew, oh yes a my big brother Mr Mars bar, lifes full of new things and new people.
Nice man came today to take photos of us all. I tried hard not to pose but you have too in the end, would be seen to be rude not too

Rhum asking to do what the others have done....

This is what they were doing I am sure,
jump up, cuddle mum and suck her fingers...

Are you wanted me to sit instead, well then will sing to you as well

Then if thats not what you wanted must to nibble the scarf..........
Think the look says it all............
If I'd have known they were doing this.......
would have stayed playing with Pete and his nice camera strap,
could have soon chewed that in half...
mum says I can't win the time

Mr Mars bar

Hi I am Mr Mars bar, I didn't want to be have my photo taken as my little brother was done first.... problem being nobody noticed the "look" I gave the camera....
really nice smelling girls here and its fun running round sniffing Sages rear end.

Sage showing off and being loving

I can do the pose mum let me, let me, please...........

See told you I can do it and enjoy it
whats next mum......

Whispa on holiday

Not impressed mum can I go back to sleep,
here to relax with my sister,
not pose for photos!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Mr Mars bar

Hi I am Mr Mars bar, I didn't want to be have my photo taken as my little brother was done first.... problem being nobody noticed the "look" I gave the camera....
really nice smelling girls here and its fun running round sniffing Sages rear end.

Rhum asking to do what the others have done....

This is what they were doing I am sure,
jump up, cuddle mum and suck her fingers...

Are you wanted me to sit instead, well then will sing to you as well

Then if thats not what you wanted must to nibble the scarf..........
Think the look says it all............
If I'd have known they were doing this.......
would have stayed playing with Pete and his nice camera strap,
could have soon chewed that in half...
mum says I can't win the time


Hello there, I am Sonic, I came down from Scotland, and now live with my Granny Sona and my Dad Yeats and the rest of the crew, oh yes a my big brother Mr Mars bar, lifes full of new things and new people.
Nice man came today to take photos of us all. I tried hard not to pose but you have too in the end, would be seen to be rude not too

Sage showing off and being loving

I can do the pose mum let me, let me, please...........

See told you I can do it and enjoy it
whats next mum......

Whispa on holiday

Not impressed mum can I go back to sleep,
here to relax with my sister,
not pose for photos!!!!!!!

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Mr Mars bar

above looking silly as he does quite a lot of the time
the look says it all


above says everything, he loves his mum
and below
just look at the expression..
somebody's been here before.....

Friday, 13 May 2011

wynter playing

He just loves to carry things, anything, and gives them up easily, the kitchen roll was soggy but not holed at all, bless him, the ones below show him running about with the roll before he gave it up